Soldier’s Medal, “Vincent J. Puglia”, 26th Infantry Division

Product ID: B-3536
Country: United States
Condition: VF

Soldier’ Medal slot brooch, hand-engraved “Vincent A. Puglia”, numbered “1458″. In its original untitled case of issue with pearl-button opener and outer box. With the original onionskin citation (folded): “Vincent J. Puglia, Army Serial Number 32,195,936, private, Company I, 104th Infantry, 26th Infantry Division, United States Army. For heroism at Titusville Beach, Florida on August 11, 1942.”. With research showing that Puglia was one of 18 soldiers in a truck which skidded and slid through a guardrail on a wooden bridge into ten feet of water. Puglia, a strong swimmer, was making his way to shore when he turned back in an attempt to rescue another soldier. Both men were drowned. Puglia was from Ozone Park, Queens, New York. The 26th Infantry Division only awarded 42 Soldier’s Medals during World War II. [Note the difference in the middle initial on the medal and citation. “J” is the correct initial.]

A rare and early lifesaving Soldier’s Medal

