Military Medal, GVI (Naik Abdul Aziz, Bengal Sappers and Miners)

Product ID: B-5275
Country: Great Britain
Condition: VF

Military Medal, GVI, engraved “21212 Naik Abdul Aziz, Bengal S&M[EPLE]. The “EPLE” at the end` of the naming is made unclear by edge wear. $1750

The immediate award recommendation reads: “During the operations of 161 Indian Infantry Brigade Group in the Arakan and the Naga Hills, Naik Abdul Aziz has been in command of a sub-section of 2 Indian Field Company, I.E. At Kwela Binga on 1st to 3rd January he directed his party during bridging operations under continuous enemy sniping and intermittent gun fire, and it was largely by his determination and courage that the crossings over the chaung were maintained and improved to enable vital supplies to be carried forward. On 6 Apr 44 his sub-sec accompanied 4 R.W.K. Regt Gp into Kohima and on 7 Apr 44 he was wounded in the head by mortar fire. He refused to be evacuated with the last party of wounded to leave before it was encircled by the enemy, and insisted on remaining in active command of his men. During the 12 days which followed, when his section was holding defensive positions under heavy fire, Naik Abdul Aziz toured and rallied his posts and directed his mens fire with complete disregard for his own safety, and when his Sec was relieved on 20 Apr he was the last man to leave. Throughout these operations he has shown on all occasions great initiative and enthusiasm, consistent courage and coolness in action, and inspiring leadership of his sub-section.

