D-Day Silver Star, “Wayne R. Cocco”, 1st Engineer Special Brigade
D-Day Silver Star, wrap brooch, numbered “74293″, hand-engraved “Wayne R./Cocco” on a slant. In a black leatherette case with ribbon bar and lapel pin. With a ribbon bar with the Silver Star and EAME Campaign Medal ribbons (worn); two 1st Engineer Special Brigade patches; an OCS patch (subdued) and an Army Ground Forces patch; an original copy of First Army GO No. 39 (31 July 1944) with the full citation for the Silver Star. With some research.
Cocco, born in Philadelphia in March 1923, joined the Army in February 1943. The 1st Engineer Brigade landed on Utah Beach on 6 June 1944. Private Wayne R. Cocco earned the Silver Star “for gallantry in action against the enemy on 6 June 1944 in France. Upon landing at 0740 hours on D-Day, his unit came under fire from an enemy emplacement on a hill overlooking the beach. Together with another enlisted man, on their own initiative, Private First Class Cocco crawled approximately 500 yards to reach a position where it was possible to fire their .30 caliber machine gun effectively and continued firing until the pillbox was demolished. The Enterprise, courage ad gallantry of Private First Class Cocco rendered invaluable assistance to the successful landing of his unit.” Cocco was attending Officer Candidate School when the war ended, so he was discharged as a corporal. He died in December 1997 and is buried in Springfield, Pennsylvania.