Military Medal/1914-15 trio (Pioneer Burnham, RE)
Product ID: B-4647
Country: Great Britain
Condition: VF
Group of four to Pioneer/Driver S.W. Burnham, Royal Engineers: Military Medal, GV (60145 Pr. S.W. Burnham, 14/D.S. Coy, RE) [Divisional Signal Company, Royal Engineers]; 1914-15 Star (60145 Dvr, RE); British War Medak; Victory Medal (60145 Dvr, RE). Crudely bar-mounted for wear, the ribbons showing wear and age.
Burnham’s Military Medal was announced in the London Gazette on 30 October 1917. He was wounded in action on 12 December 1917 and again on 16 January 1918. He was from Maidenhead. A January 1918 newspaper article has his photograph and notes that he was cited for repairing communications lines under barrage fire.