Group of four to Lt Col Allyn Freeman, New Jersey National Guard
Group of four to Lt Colonel Allyn Freeman, New Jersey National Guard: Excellence in Competition Badge, Rifle, bronze, with infantry blue surround, hand-engraved “Major/Allyn M. Freeman/Inf Res/1935″; Excellence in Competition Badge, Rifle, bronze, with infantry blue surround, hand-engraved “Sergeant/Allyn M. Freeman/Co. D, 2nd Inf, NJNG/1916″; The National Match Team Badge, 1916, unnamed; New Jersey State Team Badge, “1916″ top bar, marked “Hayes Bros Co” on the reverse of the top bar
Allyn Freeman joined the Army in 1912 and was commissioned during World War I. He was recalled to active duty in 1940 and served in Italy, Germany, Japan and Korea. In 1936, in civilian life, Freeman had been the foreman of the grand jury that requested a stay of execution of Bruno Hauptmann in the kidnapping and killing of Charles Lindbergh’s son. Freeman died in 1989.