Distinguished Service Cross, “Joel A. Brown”, Vietnam
Distinguished Service Cross, gilt slot brooch, numbered “21666″, machine-engraved “Joel A./Brown”, with heavy scratching over the name; ribbon wear.
PFC Joel A. Brown, 2nd Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, was cited for: “…exceptionally valorous actions on 10 March 1967 while serving as machine gunner on an armored personnel carrier near Prek Klok. Late at night, Private Brown’s base camp came under heavy ground and mortar attack from a numerically superior Viet Cong force. He continuously placed deadly accurate fire on the enemy until thrown from the carrier by the explosion of a rocket round. Badly shaken, he braved withering fire to carry an unconscious comrade to safety and once again returned to the line. As the attack intensified, Private Brown detected an enemy rocket position and directed effective fire upon it, knocking it out. Blown from the carrier by a second rocket round and seriously wounded, he continued to ignore his personal safety and maintained his lethal fire in support of his unit’s now mounting counteroffensive. As his unit directed its counterattack, Private Brown continued to inflict heavy casualties upon the enemy until a third rocket round hit his carrier’s turret mortally wounding him. His determination to defeat the enemy and his dauntless courage inspired his comrades to fight with renewed dedication and defeat the insurgent attackers. Private First Class Brown’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty, at the cost of his life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.”